Uranium and Norm/Tenorm

Radiological and Regulatory Assessment Services

Radiological and Regulatory Assessment of Legacy Uranium Projects and Sites

Licensing and Operations of Uranium Recovery Projects

Management of NORM in Other Industrial Applications

Acceptance of NORM (TENORM) at Industrial Landfills, Colorado - Two large, national industrial landfill operators requested the State of Colorado for permission to accept industrial wastes containing NORM and/or TENORM (uranium, radium e.g.) up to the limits allowable under Colorado regulations for industrial landfills (≤ 50 pCi / gram radium; ≤ 0.05 % natural uranium by weight). Mr. Brown assisted the operators in responding to a number of technical questions the State required to be addressed related to worker and public radiological risks that could be associated with acceptance of this material by the landfills. These projects included modeling of the radiological doses to workers and the public using the RESRAD and MILDOS computer codes (Argonne National Laboratory) and preparing Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) and associated procedures for acceptance and disposal of radiologically contaminated industrial waste streams. These assessments included developing dose estimates for a worker at the facility, located directly on top of the contaminated materials at the site and a nearby resident, potentially exposed to radon in air that is released from the landfill.